Ken Muse
GitHub, Maven, and Packages
Java makes it surprisingly easy to manage and package complex projects using Apache Maven. One question I’m frequently asked – how does this integrate with GitHub Actions? Turns out that the answer is “surprisingly well!”

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Mythical Development Heroes

Mythical Development Heroes

Last week, we examined common myths about time. Software also has hero myths, which harm developers and limit productivity in astounding ways.

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Mythical Development Time

Mythical Development Time

Time is a precious resource. Did you know it’s also the source of common myths among managers? And those myths can drain productivity (and happiness) from teams…

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Preventing GitHub Actions Injection Attacks
If you can code it, someone will find a way to exploit it ( accidentally or intentionally). Anytime development efforts are involved, it’s important to minimize security risks and bugs. This is also true with GitHub Actions, which allows you to script advanced automation solutions. Because of this, it’s important to understand where injection can occur and how to avoid it.

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