Ken Muse
Decoding Binary Data in Swift

Decoding Binary Data in Swift

In the last post, we started to explore how to create a Decoder and its containers in Swift. Now, we need to have a good way to read the data and provide it back to the decoder so that it can create the type instances. Today’s post will introduce pattern for reading binary data and converting it to Swift types. We’ll then discuss how to integrate it with the Decoder.

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Creating Swift Binary Decoders

Creating Swift Binary Decoders

If we’re going to build a Bluetooth application, we need to be able to decode the data we receive. Swift has a native way to convert encoded data into types – the Decoder protocol. In today’s post, we’ll explore the basics of implementing a custom binary data decoder in Swift. We’ll also look at the different types of “containers” and how they work.

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Building Base Images for ARC
If you’re using Actions Runner Controller, the provided base image may not be enough. In fact, it’s important to build your own to ensure that you have all the dependencies you need for your workflows.

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Supply Chain Security in CI/CD Systems
Do you know what the main threat is to your CI/CD systems? It’s not the code you write, the tools you use, or the cloud provider you rely on. It’s the supply chain, and that is frequently the most vulnerable part of the development process. Today, let’s understand why.

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Creating an Int24 for iOS

Creating an Int24 for iOS

If we’re going to build a Bluetooth app for WatchOS and iOS, we need at least one additional primitive to be available – a 24-bit unsigned integer. Since Swift doesn’t provide that, we’ll just have to create it ourselves. This post will dive into how to create a custom numeric data type in Swift (and how to overcome some limits of the platform in the process).

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