Ken Muse
Automatic SSH Commit Signing With Dotfiles
With automation you can simplify many things as a developer. This includes automating the process of configuring commit signing with dotfiles.

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Catching Up on Posts

Catching Up on Posts

After a bit of a delay, I’m finally back and posting. More importantly, I’m finally caught up on finishing and releasing all of the posts I was developing before my unexpected surgery.

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Organizing Build Processes

Organizing Build Processes

Creating a well-organized build or release workflow is both an art and a science. Done properly, the process can be testable and maintainable, able to work on any CI/CD system. Like many things in software, there’s even a pattern that helps!

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The Image Factory Pattern

The Image Factory Pattern

Looking to maintain virtual machine or Docker images in the most efficient way possible? Trying to build an image for GitHub ARC and needing to ensure you’re always using the latest available base image and runner? Then what you need is an Image Factory.

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Shared Commits and GitHub Checks
It’s not unusual for teams to want to merge the same branch into multiple branches. If they create multiple pull requests from that branch to each of the other branches, they suddenly find that their Checks behave differently than expected and the branches start to share results. Understanding why this happens makes it easy to get Checks to behave as expected.

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