Ken Muse
Azure SQL Database Ledger
Blockchain solutions are definitely becoming more popular. Not content to be just a currency, it is finding its way into more business scenarios. It may seem unusual, but that includes Azure SQL Database. Why would we use blockchain technology in a database? That’s what today’s article will explore!

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Deploying to Azure from  Private Container Registries
It’s a best practice to use private registries such as Azure Container Registry with container solutions on Azure. There’s very little guidance if you’re considering using a different registry to store your images. In this post, we’re explore how to use other private registries, such as the GitHub packages Container Registry.

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Azure Container Solutions

Azure Container Solutions

There are lots of options for running containers in Azure, such as Azure Container Apps, Azure Container Instances, Kubernetes, Functions, and App Services. Each offering provides different features to support different scenarios, so it’s important to understand some of the container options that Azure provides today.

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Using Azure Run From Package
In last weeks post, I mentioned that there are ways to modernize Function apps. In truth, most App Services support an improved model for deploying your code — the deployment package. Learn to use ‘Run From Package’ to improve your Azure App Service deployments.

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Azure Function Trigger Syncing
Sometimes continuous deployment of the code is just not enough to update your Azure Function. The symptoms are simple enough — triggers stop working or the Function stops scaling. In these cases, you need to make Azure aware of the changes. You may need to synchronize.

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