Ken Muse
Publishing Images With GitHub Actions
Over the last few weeks, I’ve had a lot of questions about publishing images to registries using GitHub Actions. Today, I’ll explore the answer showing how to do this with registries in both Azure and GitHub. Along the way, I’ll also demonstrate how to use GitHub’s OIDC integration with Azure.

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Deploying to Azure from  Private Container Registries
It’s a best practice to use private registries such as Azure Container Registry with container solutions on Azure. There’s very little guidance if you’re considering using a different registry to store your images. In this post, we’re explore how to use other private registries, such as the GitHub packages Container Registry.

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Dev Containers, Codespaces, and Bicep, Oh My!
Development Containers and Codespaces bring infrastructure-as-code to developer environments. This post walks through creating a container for editing and deploying Bicep templates to Azure.

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Reusing GitHub Workflows

Reusing GitHub Workflows

Let’s talk about how to share GitHub workflows between multiple repositories and create centralized processes.

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