Ken Muse

Custom Azure GUIs for ARM and Bicep Templates
What if I told you that the portal experience you see with the Microsoft-provided resources was also available for your resources? Want to build a nice wizard for your ARM template? It’s time to dive deeper into Azure and learn how to develop ARM and Bicep templates like a pro. Learn to create your own custom Azure Portal experience!

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Modeling the Hidden Costs of Development
In the last post, we explored the expensive nature of technical debt and bad development practices. Today, we look at how to create financial models that help you to understand your actual costs.

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The Hidden Costs of Bad Development Practices
Bad development practices create debt. The interest on that debt can literally make or break a company, and nobody is immune. With Internet Explorer becoming the latest casualty, it’s a good time to explore the problem.

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Using New GitHub APIs With Probot
Probot makes it simple to create GitHub Apps, but sometimes the APIs update faster than Probot does. Learn how you can implement unsupported web hooks and APIs.

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Implementing Docker Layer Caching in GitHub Actions
BuildKit provides native support for caching layers to improve build times. In this post, we’ll explore implementing gha, inline, and registry caches with GHCR and GitHub Actions.

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