Ken Muse

Intro to Dev Container Features
One of the newest additions to the dev container specification is Features. Today I’ll explore the basics of the specification and how it lets you create reusable components for your dev containers.

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What Are GitHub Verified Domains?

What Are GitHub Verified Domains?

GitHub has a lot of options for verified domains. Have you ever wondered what they all do, when to use them, and how they help keep your brand secure? Then today’s topic is for you!

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Docker-from-Docker in Alpine Dev Containers
Let’s get a bit crazy for 2023. In this post, we’ll see if we can run some Docker commands from inside our Alpine dev container using Docker-from-Docker and a bit of configuration.

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Wrapping Up 2022 (and Looking Forward to 2023)
It’s been a year of change and pushing boundaries. With 2022 coming to a close, I can say I’m glad to have had a number of great accomplishments!

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Using Git SSH From Docker With a Local Proxy
You’re working in a development container. You need access to a port on the host for a proxy SSH connection to a Git server. Sounds tough, right? Turns out it’s simple.

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