Ken Muse
Where to Start With Azure
While I was at VS Live Nashville, I heard the same question multiple times: if you’re new to Azure, how do you get started? There are nearly 300 different services, and the numbers continue to grow. That’s a lot to try to understand without a roadmap. I have a few suggestions to make the learning process more manageable …

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Custom Azure GUIs for ARM and Bicep Templates
What if I told you that the portal experience you see with the Microsoft-provided resources was also available for your resources? Want to build a nice wizard for your ARM template? It’s time to dive deeper into Azure and learn how to develop ARM and Bicep templates like a pro. Learn to create your own custom Azure Portal experience!

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Understanding ARM Templates _artifactsLocation
A lot of people are not familiar with the variable _artifactsLocation in their ARM templates. In this post, we’re going to shed some light on this subject.

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Creating First-Run ARM Templates
Sometimes you need ARM resources to be applied only when a template is deployed for the first time. Learn how ARM conditions can achieve this goal.

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