Ken Muse
The Magic of Scaling and Auto-Scaling
Scaling systems is a process that is often counter-intuitive. It’s not just about adding more resources. It’s about understanding the bottlenecks and how to overcome them. After years spent troubleshooting highly scaled systems, I’ve learned a few things that can make the journey easier.

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Strategies for Upgrading ARC
What are the best practices best practices for upgrading your ARC cluster? Want to know whether you can safely run without taking the latest releases? In this post, we’ll explore the answers to both of these questions.

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Building Base Images for ARC
If you’re using Actions Runner Controller, the provided base image may not be enough. In fact, it’s important to build your own to ensure that you have all the dependencies you need for your workflows.

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Supply Chain Security in CI/CD Systems
Do you know what the main threat is to your CI/CD systems? It’s not the code you write, the tools you use, or the cloud provider you rely on. It’s the supply chain, and that is frequently the most vulnerable part of the development process. Today, let’s understand why.

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Fashion, DevOps, and Certificates
The world of software development is changing rapidly. With Google’s latest announcement, part of how we deploy systems is getting ready to change for the better for nearly half of all companies. Are your teams ready for the challenge?

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