Ken Muse
GitHub Actions Injection Attacks
Security is at the heart of what we do in DevOps (if we’re doing it right). This includes protecting our CI/CD processes from malicious users and behaviors. One of the more interesting exploit vectors with build and release pipelines is a classic: the injection attack. This post reviews the basics of injection exploits and shows you how to easily avoid them.

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The Two GitHub ARCs
I’ve been spending a lot of time helping companies to adopt GitHub ARC over the last few months. They are excited to be able to create self-hosted runners on-demand on Kubernetes. The biggest challenge many of them have is getting started, and the root of this problem often starts with realizing there are two different versions of ARC. In many cases, they started with the wrong one. This post will explain the difference.

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Enabling GitHub ARC Metrics
GitHub’s Actions Runner Controller (ARC) offers a lot of great features, including metrics. These metrics give you visibility to the processing queue as well as the performance of runners and jobs. Enabling this feature is surprisingly easy. This post will show you how.

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Understanding OIDC and Identity Federation
With the rise of OIDC, we no longer need to rely on secret keys or passwords to connect two services together. Instead, we can configure a trust relationship between the services and use that to securely request tokens for accessing resources. Adopting this approach can simplify things, but it can be scary for security teams and developers; they want to understand what makes this process work. In this post, walk through what’s happening under the covers.

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Comparing Azure DevOps and GitHub
It can be challenging too understand the differences between Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions. Sometimes, what you really need is a mapping of the features and terminology. Perhaps something annotated with how to support features that don’t have a direct equivalent. Perhaps something like this …

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