Ken Muse
Automating Azure OIDC Application Federation
Ever needed to automate creating an Azure Entra ID (Azure Active Directory) application and federating it with GitHub? With just a little PowerShell, you can!

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Coloring Consoles in ANSI
Coloring the console output in PowerShell isn’t hard – unless it’s simply ignoring your requests. Sometimes it takes a bit more than following the documentation. Sometimes you have to resort to the older approaches to do something new. Today, we explore using ANSI escape sequences to colorize output.

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Restricting Azure App Services to Azure Front Door
Learn how to secure your website by automatically configuring your App Services to require incoming traffic to use Azure Front Door.

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Restoring Azure Tests for SonarQube
The vstest task in Azure DevOps doesn’t guarantee an output location. Learn how to ensure that SonarQube will see your test results correctly.

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DevOps and Creating Documentation
Good software requires good documentation. And good documentation requires a DevOps process to ensure you always have the latest version…

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